The Eli brand windmill was simple in design, but it was the longest lasting of any made in the day.
ELI Installation
The "ELI" windmill across the street from the Kregel Windmill Factory Museum is an orginal "ELI" all steel with a 10' wheel and 30' tower. The Kregel Windmill Company did also build windmills with a 8'6" wheel and up to a 60' tower. However, the 10' wheel and 30' tower were the most common size produced in the Kregel Windmill Company factory. The "ELI" windmill was installed through the hard work of our dedicated volunteer group the Friends of Kregel.
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Kregel Windmill Factory Museum is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit museum operating with tax-deductible donations from generous individuals, foundations, grants and corporate sponsors. Kregel Windmill Factory Museum is not government owned or operated. EIN: 20-8943847